Thursday, May 20, 2010

eden florist | dried lavender flowers: Cupcake Muffin May 2008

향신료 이용 부위설명
뿌리를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Root spices are rather surprisingly rare Although all of the plants listed here have aromatic roots most of them are better known as herb or fruit spice If you look for a specific root spice and can t find it here then maybe it s not a root but a rhizome Asafetida Ferula assa foetida Celery Apium graveolens Coriander Coriandrum ativum Horseradish Armoracia rusticana Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Lovage Levisticum officinale Parsley Petroselinum crispum Wasabi Wasabia japonica 줄기를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Stems Pure stem spices are uncommon Stems tend to be woody and unfriendly to eat so the leaves are preferred However some subterranean fleshy stems known as rootstocks or rhizomes form valuable spices And there are some aromatic barks as well 지하경地下莖을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Rhizomes Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiber officinale Roxb 영어 Ginger 인도네시아! Jahe 한국 생강Tanaman herba semusim tegak dengan tinggi 50 cm Batang semu beralur dekat dalam tanah membentuk rimpang Daun tunggal bentuk lanset yang meruncing ke ujung Bunga majemuk bentuk bulir ujung runcing tangkai bunga panjang 2 cm warna hijau kemerahan Bunga bentuk corong warna ungu Buah kotak warna coklat biji bulat hitam Turmeric Curcuma longa Curcuma longa Linn ë†'이 1m 뿌리줄기가 많으며 오렌지 혹은 밝은 황색을 띠고 원통형 향기가 나며 정부에 결절뿌리 잎은 평평하고 녹색 장타원형 혹은 타원형 길이 30 45 90 ㎝ 너비 15 18㎝ 잎자루ëŠ" 길이 20 40㎝ 매끈매끈하다 잎 끝은 짧은 예ë' 잎 아래ëŠ" 끝이 가늘다 í™"ì„œëŠ" 위 수간에 정색 꽃자루ëŠ" 길이 12 20㎝ 수상í™"ì„œëŠ" 원통형 길이 12 18㎝ 직경 4 9㎝ 수정 포ëŠ" 엷은 녹색 난형 혹은 장타원형 직경 3 5㎝ 정부ëŠ" ë'"ë' 엽관è'‰å†  포ëŠ" 퍼져있고 흰! 색 혹은 녹색 이ë"°ê¸ˆ í…Œë'ë¦¬ëŠ" 불그스름한 자ì! £¼ìƒ‰ ì  •ë¶€ëŠ" 예ë' 꽃받침은 흰색 길이 0 8 1 2㎝ 유모가 있고 정부ëŠ" 고르지 않은 3개의 거치상 í™"관은 열은 황색 판통은 3㎝ lobes은 삼각형 1 1 5㎝ ì¤'앙의 것이 가장 크며 정부ëŠ" 극침모ì–' 측 위웅자ëŠ" 순판脣ç"£ë³´ë‹¤ ë" 짧으며 순판은 ì¤'앙이 노르스름하고 황색 띠 도란형 길이 1 2 2㎝ 약은 아래 부분이 며느리발톱 spurred ì"¨ë°©ì— 털이 퍼져있다 꽃필 ë•ŒëŠ" 8ì›" Galangale Alpinia galanga Lesser Galangale Kaempferia galanga Fingerroot Boesenbergia pandurata Zedoary Curcuma zedoaria 나무껍질을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것Barks Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Chinese Cinnamon Cassia Cinnamomum cassia Indonesian Cinnamon Cinnamomum burmannii 베트남 Cinnamon Cinnamomum loureiroi 잎을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Leaves In case of herbs it is rather common to harvest stem leaves and possibly flowers together although the leaves are the most f! ragrant part Bulbs are special subterranean reserve structures derived from leaves 단지 잎을 이용하ëŠ" 것Leaves only Boldo leaves Peumus boldus Bay leaf Laurus nobilis Curry leaf Murraya koenigii Gale Myrica gale Indian Bay leaf Cinnamomum tamala Indonesian Bay leaf Eugenia polyantha Kaffir lime leaf Citrus hystrix Lemon myrtle Backhousia citriodora Lemon verbena Lippia citriodora Mexican pepper leaf Piper auritum Myrtle Myrtus communis Sassafras leaf Sassafras albidum Screw pine leaf Pandanus amaryllifolius 잎과 줄기를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Leaves + stems Basil Ocimum basilicum Bear s garlic Allium ursinum Blue Fenugreek Trigonella caerulea Borage Borago officinalis Celery Apium graveolens Cicely Myrrhis odorata Chameleon plant Houttuynia cordata Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium Chives Allium schoenoprasum Coriander Coriandrum sativum Cress Lepidium sativum Dill Anethum graveolens Epazote Chenopodium ambrosioides ! Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Lemon! balm Me lissa officinalis Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus Long coriander Eryngium foetidum Lovage Levisticum officinale Mexican tarragon Tagetes lucida Marjoram Maiorana hortensis Oregano Origanum vulgare Paracress Spilanthes acmella Parsley Petroselinum crispum Peppermint Mentha piperita PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties Actions Stimulant tonic vermifuge anti spasmodic diaphoretic stomachic carminative antiviral antifungal antibacterial choleretic PlantChemicals Include 1 8 cineole acetaldehyde acetic acid alpha amorphene alpha cadinene alpha carotene alpha copaene alpha gurjunene alpha pinene alpha terpinene alpha terpineol alpha thujone alpha tocopherol aluminum amyl alcohol amyl valerate anethole azulene benzoic acid beta betulenol beta carotene beta caryophyllene beta copaene beta ionone beta pinene beta thujone beta ylangene betaine bicycloelemene bisabolene cadinene calcium camphene carvacrol carveol carveol ace! tate carvone caryophyllene oxide cedrene cedrol choline chromium cineole cinerol cinnamic acid methyl ester cis piperitol cis roseoxide cis sabinol citronellol cryptone flavons hymenoxin iron isoamyl phenylacetate isobutyric acid isomenthol isomenthol acetate isomenthone isomenthyl acetate isopulegol acetate isorhoifolin isovaleraldehyde isovaleric acid isovaleric acid n octyl ester jasmone lavandulol ledol limonene linalool luteolin menthol menthone menthoside menthyl acetate menthyl isovalerate menthyl valerate myrcene myrtenol neoisomenthol acetate neomenthol neomenthone neomenthyl acetate nerolidol nevadensin octan 3 ol p cymene p cymol pectin pent cis 2 en 1 ol perillyl alcohol phellandrene phenylethanols phenyl propyl pyridines phosphorus pinene piperitenone piperitone piperitone oxide pulegone pyridine rosmarinic acid sabinene sabinene acetate sabinene hydrate salvigenin sideritoflavone silicon! terpinolene thymol trans piperitol trans roseoxide vanil! lin vir idiflorol xanthomicrol Perilla Perilla frutescens Rocket Eruca sativa Rice paddy herb Limnophila aromatica Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Rue Ruta graveolens Sage Salvia officinalis Savoury Satureja hortensis Southernwood Artemisia abrotanum Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus Thyme Thymus vulgaris Water pepper Polygonum hydropiper Vietnam coriander Polygonum odoratum 구근球根을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Bulbs Garlic Allium sativum Onion Allium cepa 꽃을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Flowers Although most entomophilous flowers are somewhat fragrant only few of them are used in the kitchen because they usually lose their scent quickly when dried The ripe form of flowers fruits are also frequently aromatic but mostly not to attract insects but to repel them 싹 눈 꽃봉오리를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Buds Capers Capparis spinosa Cloves Syzyium aromaticum 꽃 혹은 꽃 부분을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Flowers or flower parts ! Kewra Screw pine flower Pandanus odoratissimus Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Rose Rosa damascena Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Saffron Crocus sativus 열매를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Fruits 구과毬果 Cones Juniper Juniperus communis 꼬투리 Pods Bell pepper Capsicum annuum Black Cardamom Amomum subulatum Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Chile Capsicum frutescens Negro pepper Xylopia aethiopica Sichuan pepper Zanthoxylum piperitum Star anise Illicium verum Tamarind Tamarindus indica Vanilla Vanilla planifolia 핵과核果와 장과奬果 Drupes and Berries Allspice Pimenta dioica Black pepper Piper nigrum Chaste tree Vitex agnus castus Cubeb pepper Piper cubeba Kaffir lime Citrus hystrix Laurel Laurus nobilis Lemon Citrus limon Lime Citrus aurantifolia Long pepper Piper longum Mango Mangifera indica Olive Olea europaea Orange Citrus sinensis Pink pepper Schinus molle Sumac Rhus coriaria Tasmanian pepper T! asmannia lanceolata Umbelliferae fruits Anise Pimpinella anis! um Ajwa in Trachyspermum ammi Black Cumin Bunium persicum Caraway Carum carvi Celery Apium graveolens Coriander Coriandrum sativum Cumin Cuminum cyminum Dill Anethum graveolens Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Lovage Levisticum officinale 종자를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Seeds Almond Prunus dulcis Annatto seeds Bixa orellana Black mustard seed Brassica nigra Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Fenugreek Trigonella foenum graecum Coconut Cocos nucifera Grains of paradise Aframomum melegueta Mahaleb cherry Prunus mahaleb Nutmeg and Mace Myristica fragrans Onion seed Nigella sativa Pomegranate seed Punica granatum Poppy Papaver somniferum Pumpkin seed Cucurbita pepo Sesame Sesamum indicum Tonka bean Dipteryx odorata White mustard seed Sinapis alba 뿌리를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Root spices are rather surprisingly rare Although all of the plants listed here have aromatic roots most of them are better known as herb or fruit spice If you look for a speci! fic root spice and can t find it here then maybe it s not a root but a rhizome Asafetida Ferula assa foetida Celery Apium graveolens Coriander Coriandrum ativum Horseradish Armoracia rusticana Licorice Glycyrrhiza glabra Lovage Levisticum officinale Parsley Petroselinum crispum Wasabi Wasabia japonica 줄기를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Stems Pure stem spices are uncommon Stems tend to be woody and unfriendly to eat so the leaves are preferred However some subterranean fleshy stems known as rootstocks or rhizomes form valuable spices And there are some aromatic barks as well 지하경地下莖을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Rhizomes Ginger Zingiber officinale Zingiber officinale Roxb 영어 Ginger 인도네시아 Jahe 한국 생강Tanaman herba semusim tegak dengan tinggi 50 cm Batang semu beralur dekat dalam tanah membentuk rimpang Daun tunggal bentuk lanset yang meruncing ke ujung Bunga majemuk bentuk bulir ujung runcin! g tangkai bunga panjang 2 cm warna hijau kemerahan Bunga b! entuk co rong warna ungu Buah kotak warna coklat biji bulat hitam Turmeric Curcuma longa Curcuma longa Linn ë†'이 1m 뿌리줄기가 많으며 오렌지 혹은 밝은 황색을 띠고 원통형 향기가 나며 정부에 결절뿌리 잎은 평평하고 녹색 장타원형 혹은 타원형 길이 30 45 90 ㎝ 너비 15 18㎝ 잎자루ëŠ" 길이 20 40㎝ 매끈매끈하다 잎 끝은 짧은 예ë' 잎 아래ëŠ" 끝이 가늘다 í™"ì„œëŠ" 위 수간에 정색 꽃자루ëŠ" 길이 12 20㎝ 수상í™"ì„œëŠ" 원통형 길이 12 18㎝ 직경 4 9㎝ 수정 포ëŠ" 엷은 녹색 난형 혹은 장타원형 직경 3 5㎝ 정부ëŠ" ë'"ë' 엽관è'‰å†  포ëŠ" 퍼져있고 흰색 혹은 녹색 이ë"°ê¸ˆ í…Œë'ë¦¬ëŠ" 불그스름한 자주색 정부ëŠ" 예ë' 꽃받침은 흰색 길이 0 8 1 2㎝ 유모가 있고 정부ëŠ" 고르지 않은 3개의 거치상 í™"관은 열은 황색 판통은 3㎝ lobes은 삼각형 1 1 5㎝ ì¤'앙의 것이 가장 크며 ì •! 부ëŠ" 극침모ì–' 측 위웅자ëŠ" 순판脣ç"£ë³´ë‹¤ ë" 짧으며 순판은 ì¤'앙이 노르스름하고 황색 띠 도란형 길이 1 2 2㎝ 약은 아래 부분이 며느리발톱 spurred ì"¨ë°©ì— 털이 퍼져있다 꽃필 ë•ŒëŠ" 8ì›" Galangale Alpinia galanga Lesser Galangale Kaempferia galanga Fingerroot Boesenbergia pandurata Zedoary Curcuma zedoaria 나무껍질을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것Barks Cinnamon Cinnamomum zeylanicum Chinese Cinnamon Cassia Cinnamomum cassia Indonesian Cinnamon Cinnamomum burmannii 베트남 Cinnamon Cinnamomum loureiroi 잎을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Leaves In case of herbs it is rather common to harvest stem leaves and possibly flowers together although the leaves are the most fragrant part Bulbs are special subterranean reserve structures derived from leaves 단지 잎을 이용하ëŠ" 것Leaves only Boldo leaves Peumus boldus Bay leaf Laurus nobilis Curry leaf Murraya koenigii Gale Myrica gal! e Indian Bay leaf Cinnamomum tamala Indonesian Bay leaf E! ugenia p olyantha Kaffir lime leaf Citrus hystrix Lemon myrtle Backhousia citriodora Lemon verbena Lippia citriodora Mexican pepper leaf Piper auritum Myrtle Myrtus communis Sassafras leaf Sassafras albidum Screw pine leaf Pandanus amaryllifolius 잎과 줄기를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Leaves + stems Basil Ocimum basilicum Bear s garlic Allium ursinum Blue Fenugreek Trigonella caerulea Borage Borago officinalis Celery Apium graveolens Cicely Myrrhis odorata Chameleon plant Houttuynia cordata Chervil Anthriscus cerefolium Chives Allium schoenoprasum Coriander Coriandrum sativum Cress Lepidium sativum Dill Anethum graveolens Epazote Chenopodium ambrosioides Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Hyssop Hyssopus officinalis Lemon balm Melissa officinalis Lemon grass Cymbopogon citratus Long coriander Eryngium foetidum Lovage Levisticum officinale Mexican tarragon Tagetes lucida Marjoram Maiorana hortensis Oregano Origanum vulgare Paracress Spilanthes ac! mella Parsley Petroselinum crispum Peppermint Mentha piperita PLANT DESCRIPTION Documented Properties Actions Stimulant tonic vermifuge anti spasmodic diaphoretic stomachic carminative antiviral antifungal antibacterial choleretic PlantChemicals Include 1 8 cineole acetaldehyde acetic acid alpha amorphene alpha cadinene alpha carotene alpha copaene alpha gurjunene alpha pinene alpha terpinene alpha terpineol alpha thujone alpha tocopherol aluminum amyl alcohol amyl valerate anethole azulene benzoic acid beta betulenol beta carotene beta caryophyllene beta copaene beta ionone beta pinene beta thujone beta ylangene betaine bicycloelemene bisabolene cadinene calcium camphene carvacrol carveol carveol acetate carvone caryophyllene oxide cedrene cedrol choline chromium cineole cinerol cinnamic acid methyl ester cis piperitol cis roseoxide cis sabinol citronellol cryptone flavons hymenoxin iron isoamyl phenylace! tate isobutyric acid isomenthol isomenthol acetate isoment! hone is omenthyl acetate isopulegol acetate isorhoifolin isovaleraldehyde isovaleric acid isovaleric acid n octyl ester jasmone lavandulol ledol limonene linalool luteolin menthol menthone menthoside menthyl acetate menthyl isovalerate menthyl valerate myrcene myrtenol neoisomenthol acetate neomenthol neomenthone neomenthyl acetate nerolidol nevadensin octan 3 ol p cymene p cymol pectin pent cis 2 en 1 ol perillyl alcohol phellandrene phenylethanols phenyl propyl pyridines phosphorus pinene piperitenone piperitone piperitone oxide pulegone pyridine rosmarinic acid sabinene sabinene acetate sabinene hydrate salvigenin sideritoflavone silicon terpinolene thymol trans piperitol trans roseoxide vanillin viridiflorol xanthomicrol Perilla Perilla frutescens Rocket Eruca sativa Rice paddy herb Limnophila aromatica Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis Rue Ruta graveolens Sage Salvia officinalis Savoury Satureja hortensis Southernw! ood Artemisia abrotanum Tarragon Artemisia dracunculus Thyme Thymus vulgaris Water pepper Polygonum hydropiper Vietnam coriander Polygonum odoratum 구근球根을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Bulbs Garlic Allium sativum Onion Allium cepa 꽃을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Flowers Although most entomophilous flowers are somewhat fragrant only few of them are used in the kitchen because they usually lose their scent quickly when dried The ripe form of flowers fruits are also frequently aromatic but mostly not to attract insects but to repel them 싹 눈 꽃봉오리를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Buds Capers Capparis spinosa Cloves Syzyium aromaticum 꽃 혹은 꽃 부분을 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Flowers or flower parts Kewra Screw pine flower Pandanus odoratissimus Lavender Lavandula angustifolia Mugwort Artemisia vulgaris Rose Rosa damascena Safflower Carthamus tinctorius Saffron Crocus sativus 열매를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것! Fruits 구과毬果 Cones Juniper Juniperus communis 꼬투ë! ¦¬ Pods Bell pepper Capsicum annuum Black Cardamom Amomum subulatum Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Chile Capsicum frutescens Negro pepper Xylopia aethiopica Sichuan pepper Zanthoxylum piperitum Star anise Illicium verum Tamarind Tamarindus indica Vanilla Vanilla planifolia 핵과核果와 장과奬果 Drupes and Berries Allspice Pimenta dioica Black pepper Piper nigrum Chaste tree Vitex agnus castus Cubeb pepper Piper cubeba Kaffir lime Citrus hystrix Laurel Laurus nobilis Lemon Citrus limon Lime Citrus aurantifolia Long pepper Piper longum Mango Mangifera indica Olive Olea europaea Orange Citrus sinensis Pink pepper Schinus molle Sumac Rhus coriaria Tasmanian pepper Tasmannia lanceolata Umbelliferae fruits Anise Pimpinella anisum Ajwain Trachyspermum ammi Black Cumin Bunium persicum Caraway Carum carvi Celery Apium graveolens Coriander Coriandrum sativum Cumin Cuminum cyminum Dill Anethum graveolens Fennel Foeniculum vulgare Lovage Levisticum offici! nale 종자를 향신료로 이용하ëŠ" 것 Seeds Almond Prunus dulcis Annatto seeds Bixa orellana Black mustard seed Brassica nigra Cardamom Elettaria cardamomum Fenugreek Trigonella foenum graecum Coconut Cocos nucifera Grains of paradise Aframomum melegueta Mahaleb cherry Prunus mahaleb Nutmeg and Mace Myristica fragrans Onion seed Nigella sativa Pomegranate seed Punica granatum Poppy Papaver somniferum Pumpkin seed Cucurbita pepo Sesame Sesamum indicum Tonka bean Dipteryx odorata White mustard seed Sinapis alba

Cupcake Muffin May 2008
2 tsp dried lavender flowers. Bring everything to a simmer and stir until the sugar ... so I instead substituted in dried cherries for the nuts and coconut tamil actress, top model young actress, beauty actress photo

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Tags : flower bridal bouquets, flower and rose, clear flower vase,

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